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Suitable for all hair and scalp types.

    A burning sensation, tingling skin and pain and redness. These are all complaints that occur with a sensitive scalp. Just like irritation and itching. These are annoying and disturbing complaints that cause a lot of discomfort in your daily life. And what many of us have to deal with. If we look at the statistics, it concerns 60% of women and 40% of men. The above complaints are certainly no exception.

    But what causes a sensitive scalp? Could there be more to it? And what is the best way to treat an itchy scalp? We answer those questions in this blog.

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    If you have a sensitive and irritated scalp, you will experience complaints such as itching, burning sensation, tingling, pain and redness. The sensitivity often occurs suddenly and is sometimes quite intense. Sebum production on the scalp is often out of balance, causing irritation. It may also be that the pH balance of the scalp is disturbed, which can cause all kinds of complaints. The exact complaints you experience differ per person. But it is clear that your scalp no longer feels healthy.

    Sometimes there is more going on than just sensitivity, irritation and itching. For example, there may be psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. A dry scalp, oily scalp, or dandruff also cause similar complaints. Because the first two conditions in particular can be quite serious, it is always good to find out what the cause is of an irritated and itchy scalp.


    A sensitive and irritated scalp can have several causes. Many people have problems with the good condition of their scalp due to the shampoo they use. Aggressive cleaning products in shampoos damage the acid mantle of the scalp. The acid mantle is the natural acidity that protects the skin. Is that acidity becoming out of balance? Then the skin is more susceptible to dryness, itching and irritation.

    In addition to shampoo, there are a number of other factors that play a role:

    • Weather conditions, such as sun, heat, cold and strong wind.
    • Periods of physical or emotional stress, which literally and figuratively leave you with your hands in your hair (due to the itchy scalp it causes).
    • Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, menopause or certain moments within the menstrual cycle.
    • The use of certain medicines.
    • Food allergies or intolerances.
    • An irritated and itchy scalp can also have a medical reason. Conditions such as psoriasis or seborrheic eczema, which we already mentioned above. 

    To distinguish a harmless sensitive scalp from serious scalp problems, keep the following in mind:

    • You recognize one of the above causes of a sensitive scalp and often wash your hair with an aggressive shampoo. You experience extra itching, especially after washing

    → You probably have a sensitive scalp.

    • You suffer from white or yellow flakes on your scalp.

    → You probaly have dandruff, dry scalp or seborrheic dermatitis.

    • You suffer from red, flaky and silvery spots on your scalp.

    → You probably have psoriasis.

    • You have excessive itching on your scalp.

    → You probably have a dry scalp.


    A sensitive scalp that itches without a medical cause can be easily treated. There are a number of simple solutions that you can easily apply yourself:

    A shampoo against an itchy scalp

    Because an aggressive shampoo is often the cause of an itchy scalp, it is wise to switch to a different shampoo. At Mediceuticals we have various shampoos that provide relief for scalp problems. The products from the Mediceuticals Scalp Therapies line have been specially developed to address the specific cause of a scalp problem. This makes it possible to restore the scalp to a healthy condition.

    Wash the scalp regularly

    It is important to wash your hair and scalp regularly with an appropriate shampoo. Always do this with lukewarm water, water that is too hot can damage the scalp. When you wash your hair and scalp too little, sebum and cosmetic residues build up and clog the hair follicles. This can cause an unhealthy scalp, causing irritation. Ultimately, this can even lead to disturbed hair growth. By washing regularly with the right care products you work on a healthy condition of the scalp.

    Do not blow dry too hot

    Heat is known to dry out the skin. Therefore, if you have a sensitive scalp, expose your hair to heat as little as possible. Don't blow-dry your hair for a while, or use the blow-dryer only to dry the ends. Always use the lowest heat setting of the hair dryer. It is also good to hold the hairdryer a little further away from the scalp.

    Healthy food

    Healthy nutrition plays an important role in a healthy scalp. Don't eat too much sugar and fat, but go for fresh products and lots of fruit and vegetables. Also drink enough water to hydrate the skin from within.

    Avoid stress

    Because both physical and emotional stress contribute to an itchy scalp, it is important to avoid all forms of stress as much as possible.

    Wear the hair loose

    An irritated scalp is also caused by wearing the hair often. A ponytail, braid or bun can make it difficult for the hair to breathe. In addition, tying the hair too tightly damages the hair follicles, which is very painful. Therefore, do not wear the hair too often and too tightly, especially at night.

    Sun protection

    The scalp also burns and dries out due to the sun, which causes irritation and itching. That is why it is good to wear a hat or cap in warm weather.

    Be careful with a brush

    The effect of a brush through the hair is often underestimated. Did you know, for example, that brushing too hard is really out of the question for a sensitive scalp? Brushing the hair harshly will only make the sensitivity and itching worse and can damage the hair and scalp. Therefore, always take your time to brush your hair. You will be doing your scalp (and your hair too, by the way) a great favor. To protect the hair and scalp you can choose our Scalpro brush. This brush from Mediceuticals easily detangles the hair and glides effortlessly through the hair. Due to the round shape and soft flexible silicone pins, the brush prevents hair breakage and damage to the scalp. The natural bristles polish the hair and have an antistatic effect. The Scalpro brush is suitable for every hair type, including curly, long or thick hair and even for hairpieces and extensions. The brush is also a solution for people with a sensitive scalp, making it ideal for use on children.

    Ask an expert for advice

    Are you not 100% sure whether the cause of your sensitive and irritated scalp is innocent? Then feel free to contact us or visit a Mediceuticals salon for personal advice. They are also happy to tell you which products are best for your hair and scalp. Use our Salon Finder if you are based in the USA to find a salon near you.


    A sensitive scalp is very annoying. Especially if it causes complaints such as itching and redness. Fortunately, it is often harmless and treatable. It is especially important to use the right care products. Although healthy eating, sufficient drinking and good sun protection are also important. Remember that it will take some time before you see results after following the tips above. The scalp needs some time to recover.

    Does the situation not improve after some time or does it even get worse? Then perhaps there is more going on. In that case, contact a doctor or dermatologist to prevent worse.


    For personal advice you can contact us or make an appointment at one of our certified Mediceuticals salons.