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    Have you lately been finding more and more hairs laying around in your house? Do you feel that your hair is getting thinner and thinner? Then you might be experiencing excessive hair loss. Hair loss is not an immediate cause of panic. Every day we lose about 100 to 150 hairs. That may sound like a lot, but keep in mind that we have about 90,000 to 150,000 hair follicles. Then shedding 150 hairs a day is not something to be concerned about. In addition, new hairs are growing all the time.

    Do you lose more than the average 150 hairs a day? After a while it can become noticeable due to thinning hair or because bald spots suddenly appear on your head. This is very annoying and can have a significant impact on your self-image and self-confidence. Unfortunately, hair loss in women is quite common. The causes of hair loss vary, but are certainly not untreatable.

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    The causes of hair loss in women can be divided into a few different categories:


    Unfortunately, going gray isn't the only change that comes with aging when it comes to hair. It is quite normal for the hair to become thinner as well. The hair becomes more brittle, making it fall out faster. The hair also grows back more slowly and the hair follicles can shrink, which affects the density of the hair.

    Around 70% of women over the age of 70 experience hair loss and a classic form of baldness. Hair thinning usually starts after menopause.

    Androgenetic alopecia

    Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary condition, not a disease. It mainly occurs in men, but women can also suffer from it. This is expressed by gradually thinning hair in the middle of your head. Androgenetic alopecia usually starts around menopause, but it can also affect you at a younger age.

    Alopecia areata

    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own hair follicles. The result is hair loss and (round) bald spots on the head. Where exactly the bald spots arise differs per person.

    Telogen effluvium

    With telogen effluvium, hair loss is temporary. Usually, it takes about 6 months. It always follows a period of extreme stress. Think of a period of illness, job loss or a move, but also childbirth. Telogen effluvium will go away on its own, but it is very annoying to suffer from.

    Another period with a lot of hormonal fluctuations is pregnancy. Some women notice that their hair falls out less during pregnancy, while others' hair becomes thinner and more brittle. In the months following pregnancy, many women find that they lose more hair than usual. An imbalance in the hormones of the thyroid gland is the culprit. This usually resolves itself on its own.


    Hair loss in women more often than not has to do with lifestyle. Nutrients such as biotin and zinc are important for healthy hair growth. We get these nutrients from healthy food. Sufficient exercise also benefits the condition of the hair (and the rest of the body).

    Unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol have a negative impact on overall health, including hair. It can contribute to dryness, which prevents hair from growing properly. In addition, it ensures that minerals necessary for hair growth cannot reach the scalp.

    Another known cause of hair loss in women is stress. It can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, causing more hairs than usual to stop growing. This means that more hairs than normal fall out at the same time, resulting in thinner hair.

    Finally, over-styling can play a role in female hair loss as the residue from hair products that remain, causes damage to the hair and hair follicles. Frequent use of heat while styling the hair and the use of chemicals (hair dye) as well as wearing a tight bun or braid can also damage your hair. Brushing your hair aggressively or jerking the brush when coming across tangled hair also breaks and damages the hair, the brush should slide through effortlessly.

    Medical causes

    The cause of hair loss in women can also be medical. Thyroid problems can lead to hair loss. That's because the thyroid gland produces a hormone that regulates hair growth. Anemia can also cause thinning hair. This is because anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron.

    Finally, it is also possible that you take medicines that have hair loss as a side effect. Or receive treatment for a disease that causes your hair to fall out. An example of this is chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. This can be very annoying, especially if you take the medication for a long time or if the treatment takes a long time. Hair growth often only recovers when the medication or treatment stops.


    Hair loss is annoying, but fortunately almost never irreversible. It is important to determine the cause of the hair loss. If it is a side effect of a certain medication, it may be possible to switch to another medication. If hair loss follows after a pregnancy, you can be assured that it is most likely only temporary.

    In the meantime, there are a number of things you can do to prevent hair loss. It is always wise to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Healthy food, regular exercise and drinking enough water will always improve the quality of hair. Is it not always possible to eat healthy? Then think about taking a dietary supplement in addition to your diet. This way you will give your hair growth a boost from within. In addition, preventing stress is very important. Plan one or more moments of rest every day, meditate, or see if mindfulness is for you.

    Proper care of the hair and scalp is another way to prevent thinning hair. Therefore, always be kind to your hair. Do not use the hair dryer and straightener too often and do not tie your hair with hair elastic bands or similar things too often. Also, do not stroke your hair too often and when brushing your hair, always let the brush gently glide through your hair. For example, use the Scalpro brush from Mediceuticals. This brush detangles the hair easily and glides effortlessly through the hair. The brush is made with silicone pins that help protect the scalp and hair and boar bristle that easily and painlessly detangles the hair. 

    Finally, make sure to use products that take care of the scalp and give hair the necessary nutrients and a chance to grow healthy. Opt for products that help reduce excessive hair loss in women. At Mediceuticals we have a range of products that help reduce thinning hair and hair loss in women. The Advanced Hair Restoration Technology for Women line has been specifically developed for women. In this line, you will find a shampoo and conditioner for fine, normal or dry hair. We also have a spray that stimulates the hair follicles and the scalp. You can also buy the three products together as a package so that you can give your hair and scalp a complete treatment.


    Hair loss is very annoying, but in many cases treatable. However, it is important to act quickly. The sooner the cause is known, the sooner you can do something about it. This is important because it takes some time before your hair is in good and healthy condition again. The more the hair loss is limited, the sooner the full head of hair will grow back.


    For personal advice you can contact us or make an appointment at one of our certified Mediceuticals salons.